Sunday, August 22, 2010

Class Report: May I Ask?

For a change of pace, I thought I'd show what my middle school students have been up to. These pictures were taken back in June.  As you can see, the prompts at the beginning are typed up, but the rest was left to my kids' imaginations.

This one is the closest to the example out of the book, in which a student gets a letter from America but can't read it. I just like that the person in the prompt is going to hand over a car for free and thanks the other person for taking it off their hands.

This one is a bit more complex, with a bit of extra dialogue. I appreciate the effort and it was really well written. 

 How can you not love the randomness of this entry? What's even better is, because the way it's written, I'm not sure if Toko loves the other person or herself.

This really represents the best of both effort and humor.  I have no idea where these kids learned "street cat" or if they just cobbled the two words together. There are naturally a few mistakes, but it's only because they are trying something so different. Probably my favorite out of this bunch.

Hope you enjoyed my students' writing.  I've got some from the middle school third graders as well about Japanese culture that I'll put up later this week.

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