Friday, June 4, 2010

To the Bookmobile!

There was a surprise waiting in front of the elementary school a few weeks ago:

It may be difficult to tell, but this is a mobile library. Here it is from another angle:

The kanji on the roof is backwards from this point of view, but it says “天草市立図書館” which translates to “Amakusa City’s Library.”  From what I was able to gather, it visits the school about once a month, though this is the first time I’ve seen it anywhere.

Here are some of the books my fifth and sixth graders were looking at.  It seems the van was organized so that as you moved around it from the passenger side (which is on the left in Japan) the books got progressively more difficult.  There were also some crates lining the walkway out front that were filled with picture books for the youngest kids.

These two gentlemen were the librarians/drivers and carried with them folders that were filled with library cards for all the students.  The students would come up and say their grade level and name.  Their cards would be scanned followed by the books they had chosen.  Each student was allowed to borrow five books.  This turned out to be a great way to have my 1st and 2nd graders practice telling me how many books they had, which happened to be their lesson for that day.  I was very pleased to see that many of them were borrowing the maximum amount.

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