Thursday, June 10, 2010

Where I Work: Thursday Edition

Due to nearly killing myself practicing with the junior high first grade tennis students, I'm rather exhausted today.  As such, please enjoy this light entry showcasing my Thursday morning elementary school, Shimago.

Near as I can tell, this school's name, and the village it's situated in, translates to "Island Child."  Amakusa, by the way, is "Heavenly Grass."

Here's a shot from out front.  If you look closely behind the car on the left, you can see a walkway leading from the main building to one of the hallways we'll see later.

Taking a right turn from the entryway leads to the teacher's room.  Note that this picture was taken from the other direction, so you'd actually be approaching it from the hall on the right.

Here is the room that makes up the bulk of the central building.  It's a large open area where various students' artwork and projects are displayed.  To the right are the tanpopo (special needs) class and the library.  There is also a room on the left side where announcements are made as well as a storage closet for various things like vacuums.  Traveling through the large entryway on the right leads to...

a long hallway where the 3rd through 6th grade classes are held.  As I usually teach 5th and 6th grade, I spend most of my time outside the teachers room roaming this hall.  This picture was taken from the walkway I pointed out in the earlier picture.  And to the left we have...

the gym.  Albeit from a completely different angle.

Last is a picture of the lunch room.  I was surprised to find that many of my schools had these, as it was my understanding that most Japanese students ate in their homerooms.  The 1st and 2nd grade hall is behind the lunchroom and the teacher's room is back and to the right.

Hope you've enjoyed this tour of my school.  No doubt there will be others to come.  Don't worry if you were confused by the layout of this school, it's by far the most complicated.  Heck, tomorrow's is practically one long hallway, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

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